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Wireless Drop & Bubble Counter Sensor

Order No. 1240

Data Harvest’s Wireless Drop and Bubble Counter is used to count drops of fluid for accurate automated titrations, or to quantify gas-phase reaction products. Combining physical and analytical chemistry, together with elements of biology with an industrial emphasis, this instrument integrates perfectly with Data Harvest’s extensive range of sensors.

This sensor provides a great platform if you are looking to explore the world of titration, chemical or enzyme kinetics.

  • Built with the classroom in mind!
  • Integrates fully to produce for automated titration or chemical kinetics
  • Precision counting electronics
  • Portable design, configurable to varied experimental formats
  • Bluetooth and USB connectivity
  • Long battery life
  • Quick to use inside the classroom
  • Independent logging
  • 5 Year warranty
  • Lifetime support
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Learn more about the Wireless Drop & Bubble Counter Sensor in the video below, or visit our YouTube playlists for more product videos.

The sensor interfaces using the latest EasySense software and links further with the Wireless Conductivity Sensor (1112) or Wireless pH Sensor (1110PK). This gives a diverse experimental range.

Extremely easy to set up, reducing time so your science becomes the focus.

Adaptable – analytical chemistry or enzyme biology become available to study.

This sensor provides an ideal platform to introduce or extend the advantages of data logging, data storage and analysis.

Designed to be “hands on,” allowing students to examine experimental design/optimisation and data generation.

Essential skills such as titration, chemical kinetics, analytical chemistry and how these fit into industry can be understood quickly.

Explore analytical chemistry and build a solid scientific platform with this and other sensors in Data Harvest’s extensive range (1110PK, 1112, 1113PK, 1220, 1114).

Data Harvest Wireless Drop & Bubble Counter Sensor

Compact to allow practical experiments, with a flexible sampling aperture to give to give flexibility.

Solid mounting point to ensure experimental stability.

Connected to the latest EasySense software, this sensor enhances the user experience with the ability to display data live and compare results.

The Smart Wireless Drop and Bubble Counter is USB and Bluetooth compatible. Using Bluetooth, a sensor can connect to mobile devices, tablets, laptops, and desktops.

Data Harvest Wireless Drop & Bubble Counter Sensor

Possible Activities

Want to know how you can use this product in your science lessons? Take a look at the list of possible use cases and activities to get you started with the Wireless Drop & Bubble Counter Sensor.

  • Acid-base titrations in conjunction with the pH Sensor Pack (1110PK). Record pH with added volume: e.g. sodium hydroxide with hydrochloric or ethanoic acid; ammonia with hydrochloric or ethanoic acid; sodium carbonate with hydrochloric acid, for example
  • Conductometric titrations in conjunction with the Wireless Conductivity Pack (1112). Record conductivity change with added volume: e.g. barium hydroxide and sulphuric acid equivalence point; sodium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid; ethanoic acid with sodium hydroxide; potassium chloride with silver nitrate evaluations
  • Evolved gas volume measurement, used to teach rate of reaction concepts. For example: marble chips and hydrochloric acid; the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
  • Yeast enzyme fermentation of sucrose
Data Harvest Wireless Drop & Bubble Counter Sensor

Wireless Drop & Bubble Counter Sensor Specification

Learn more about the Wireless Drop & Bubble Counter Sensor specification and range information.

Count Range: 0 to 16x106
Volume Ranges: 23 to 29 drops/cm³

Product Manuals

Browse our HTML based product manuals or download them to your computer.

Wireless Drop & Bubble Counter Manual | Doc No. notset | Rev. 0 Download Web View

Free Teaching Resources

Download our free teacher worksheets for the Wireless Drop & Bubble Counter Sensor


Using bubbles to measure reaction rate

Teacher Worksheet

Investigate using bubbles to measure the reaction rate


Using bubbles to measure a biology rate of reaction

Teacher Worksheet

Investigate using bubbles to measure a biology rate of reaction


Acid base titration with a drop counter

Teacher Worksheet

Investigate the acid base titration with a drop counter


The titration of an amino acid

Teacher Worksheet

Investigate the titration of an amino acid


Reliable and durable, designed for the classroom

All our sensors come with 5 years warranty and lifetime support, we ensure your investment gives you complete peace of mind.