Order No. 1264PK
This Wireless Rain Gauge Pack gives teachers and students the ability to evaluate rainfall and its importance in weather patterns and the environment. It is ideal for a range of scientific studies within environmental science - such as weather monitoring and the impact of rain upon agricultural.
A selection of products that may compliment the Wireless Rain Gauge Pack.
The Wireless Rain Gauge Pack is capable of measurement over a wide range, reported directly in mm of precipitation. This makes it a workable solution for classroom demands.
The sensor connects to the tachometer switch, with provides a gateway for use with the anemometer. This extends the functionality of the pack for environmental studies. This seamless integration saves time and money!
The easy to use and configure “live” feedback from the latest EasySense software ensures that setup time for experiments is minimised. It also becomes an especially useful teaching aid before the experimentation has begun!
Combined with any of the other Data Harvest range of sensors, sophisticated experimental design is possible. The pack can be fully integrated to produce a weather station, especially with the addition of the Wireless Humidity Sensor (1210 purchased separately). This means that the most demanding of requirements, such as the weather pattern tracking, are easily achievable.
Designed to be used in environmental studies. Combined with the Soil Moisture Sensor (1215PK purchased separately), a full appreciation of drainage and environmental protection can be realised.
The sensor is designed very much to be “hands on,” encouraging students to think about the experimental design philosophy and how the data is generated. This sensor provides an ideal platform to introduce or extend the advantages of data logging, data storage and analysis in conjunction with other sensors.
Robust well-proven “tipping bucket” design with a factory calibrated output.
Independent calibration facility built in for custom environments.
Remote logging of the data allows greater flexibility and performance for unattended monitoring.
Connected to the latest EasySense software, the sensor can deliver water fall status to high precision.
The Smart Wireless Rain Gauge Pack allows connectivity to multiple devices such as tablets, desktop computers, smart phones via Bluetooth, or USB which allows data transfer and charging of the internal battery.
Customisation of the data can be made so that the recorded data can be adjusted to allow for specific calibration needs – linking rainfall to soil moisture with time.
Want to know how you can use this product in your science lessons? Take a look at the list of possible use cases and activities to get you started with the Wireless Rain Gauge Pack.
Download our free teacher worksheets for the Wireless Rain Gauge Pack
Investigate atmospheric pressure and the weather
DownloadAll our sensors come with 5 years warranty and lifetime support, we ensure your investment gives you complete peace of mind.